Event box

Triad Kick-Off

Triad Kick-Off

Mentoring and Supporting Peers!  
Building and Sustaining Collegiality and Community!  
Revitalizing Relationships!

Triad Kick-Off is a fun event held every August, which helps faculty meet new people  and ultimately form triads.  Triads are groups of three instructors (or more, usually from different departments) who commit to meeting regularly during one academic year to focus on teaching development, research, or other issues through collaborative reflection, discussion and observation. 

The Kick-Off event includes mixer activities, and ends with faculty forming Triads for the year.  We hope to encourage regular triaders as well as faculty who have not yet tried triading, new faculty, and triaders from days long past to join us in this refreshing activity. Faculty who have already organized their own Triad for the year are also welcome to attend. 

Lunch will be served. 

***Please note that if you would like to be in a Triad next year, but cannot attend the Kick-Off, please contact Jennifer Hooper: jdhooper@mtroyal.ca ***

Thursday, August 24, 2017
11:00am - 1:00pm
Faculty Centre
Registration has closed.