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ORSCE: Planning Your Scholarship Program

Office of Research, Scholarship and Community Engagement, Spring 2021 Events:

Planning your Scholarship Program

Facilitator: Yvonne Kjorlien, Grants and Research Facilitator, ORSCE

Are you feeling overwhelmed by grant applications, teaching courses, and opportunities to collaborate? Do you feel your reasons for saying ‘no’ to committees, collaborations, and other opportunities are weak or unjustified? Do you want to make a difference in the world, but don’t know how (or have lost sight of your reasons)? In this workshop, the ORSCE Grants and Research Facilitator will offer tools to help you ensure your values are being met, and that you can make the impact you want. You will leave with a plan for the future and some steps / milestones you can look forward to.

Suitable for: all disciplines, all career levels

Monday, April 19, 2021
12:00pm - 2:00pm
ADC Supported/External to ADC (virtual session)
Registration has closed.