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Winter speaker series on Impact and Transformation in SoTL


Winter Speaker Series on Impact and Transformation in SoTL

For educators in a post-secondary setting, the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) plays an important role in our teaching practice. When we engage in scholarly teaching, we use SoTL research to improve our practice. When we investigate innovative pedagogies, student learning, or other aspects of teaching and learning and disseminate the results, we engage in SoTL research. Our professional engagement with SoTL has a significant impact on ourselves and our students. 

The Mokakiiks Centre for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning is excited to offer a winter speaker series that explores impact and transformation in SoTL from the perspective of faculty, students, and senior administrators. We present two guest speakers and two panel discussions as part of the series. 

Each presentation will be approximately 45 minutes in length. Then we will have 15 minutes of questions. This will be followed by an informal discussion in small groups for attendees to discuss with colleagues what they learned from the presentations. 

Institutional Impact and Transformation of SoTL

Our first guest speaker is Brad Wuetherick, Associate Provost Academic Programs and Teaching and Learning, University of British Columbia Okanagan.

Drawing on their extensive experience as a researcher and institutional leader, Dr. Wuetherick will explore how the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning can impact the meso and macro levels of post-secondary institutions.

When: Tuesday, February 15, 2022, 12:00pm - 1:20 pm


Tuesday, February 15, 2022
12:00pm - 1:20pm
Registration has closed.