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(Online) Organizing Your Course in D2L: Part 2

Now that you are familiar with D2L Brightspace, are there elements of your D2L course site you would like to build upon or improve? Are you ready to move beyond foundational skills, and take your course organisation and design to the next level?

In this 90-minute workshop,you will engage in group activities and reflection to identify opportunities to leverage Brightspace features and create a more learner-friendly course. By the end of the workshop you will have the tool you need to implement the ideas you’ve generated.   

Note: This workshop focuses on the design of your course, not the essential technical how-to’s. If you are unsure of how to create modules, sub-modules and topics in D2L, you should take Organising Your Course: Part 1 workshop before taking this one.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022
10:00am - 11:30am
ADC (virtual session)
D2L Workshop > Organization D2L Workshop
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